Thursday, October 03, 2013

Nature of Marketing



This is an essay on the topic of marketing. Marketing is defined as the process of

encouraging and influencing the market through different methods. This document will

explain the nature of marketing and how a business or individual can exploit a variety of

marketing techniques to their benefit. This essay is ideal for individuals or businesses

that want to learn more about the topic and how to take advantage of different marketing


Nature of Marketing

Marketing is defined by many literatures as the process of encouraging and influencing

the market through different methods. It can be evaluated from various viewpoints which evolve

overtime. Money makes the world go round, so does marketing as it involves money and profit.

Marketing consists of the process of understanding the consumers and developing products

and/or services that satisfies the needs and wants. People who are willing and able to buy the

products are considered to be one of the most important factors in marketing termed as market. It

is how the marketers persuade and inform people about a certain product and creates an image to

be patronized (Kotler, 2003).

In some cases, marketing is always linked to advertising but the latter is just a tool to promote a

product and/or service to gain profits. It is just part of marketing and people should put on a note

that marketing is possible without advertising. The true nature of marketing relies on the product

development, sales management, pricing and the strategy on how to reach the target market.

Also, marketing stands with the marketing mix which is composed of the product, place, price

and promotion or the so-called communication mix. These tools define the process of marketing.

They make a place for marketing and considered to be the main factors how marketing develops

in an organization. All the same, marketing starts with the creation of a product and the way you

sell it and make profit is the real nature of marketing.

Role of marketing

All businesses are involved in marketing as it serves as the center of the business. It is

necessary for the firms to build goodwill with the customers and gain loyalty for their products.

Marketing is responsible for understanding the needs of the customers because it stands to satisfy

the needs and wants by making available the products that suits the preferences of the market.

Accordingly, marketing is defined as the management process responsible for knowing

who your customers are, predicting and satisfying consumer requirements profitably. It primarily

focuses on the target market of the business. For example, it caters to the patients in a hospital,

the shoppers in a mall, and guests in a hotel.

In some small businesses, they develop customer relations well and they establish a good

rapport in order to build trust and a positive image for the brand. It is important because it helps

the owners to communicate with the potential customers through the testimonials and word-of-

mouth of their loyal customers. Giving importance to the customers makes them feel valuable so

they will patronize the products and services of the business (Kotler and Armstrong, 2007). They

even do the promotions at times.

Marketing is typically about identifying the needs of the customers such as finding

solutions to the problems of the customers by creating or providing the right products and

services. Its role also includes the anticipation of the preferences of the customers such as what

gifts might be suitable for Valentine’s Day, what promos are they looking for, what clothing will

be in for the summer, etc. It has to bear with the future ideas the customers have and most

importantly the present. In addition to, Marketing satisfies the market. It is the majority of

marketing because it gives variety to the food you eat in a restaurant; it gives you choices for the

colors of your shoes, the products in shopping malls, the services on a salon, etc. It stands for the

creation of what the potential customers need and want. Satisfaction must be the end product for

the customers aside from the physical thing or the service. Customers look for the actual and

core benefits in product like convenience and practicability.

For the company, profit is the end-result of their hard work in marketing as well as

satisfaction. An organization that falls short in generating a profit will have nothing to put back

into the future or next projects. If they lack resources, marketing activities will not be pursued

and thus will not step up to the next stage of the marketing process (Barnir et al., 2003).

Apparently, analyzing, anticipating and satisfying will not be able to continue because there will

be no more budget. Marketing should not stop in a certain point as the world continues to

innovate. Modern marketing trends are more innovative and so does the organizations. The role

of marketing is becoming more highlighted and significant because new products are being

developed and the demands of the people are becoming more standardized. Thus, it helps people

to become more knowledgeable about the current trends that involve marketing.

Marketing Mix

Businesses are putting much effort into product development such as branding, choosing

the best packaging and putting the right features in order to catch the attention of the market.

After establishing the product, it is now important to consider pricing because this will determine

the profit for the company and the worth for the customers. The products should also be in the

right place to be able to be reached by the consumers and be made available through the use of

promotional tools such as advertising, publicity, direct selling, public relations and sales


Marketing ensures the growth of the company through the Product, Price, Place and

Promotion or the 4 P’s, also called the Marketing mix. These tools are used in order to satisfy the

customers’ needs and wants as well as the goals of the business.

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